• 42 Bolshoy Boulevard, stroenie 1, 1-floor, Skolkovo innivation Centre, Moscow
  • +7 917 536-6435
  • info@naxtech.ru
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Main activity of the NAX TECHNOLOGY – organization of hi-tech, compact, ecologically safe, waste-free chemical alkyl xanthogenates production networks at industrial sites of potential consumers, on the basis of innovative technology.

The project NAX TECHNOLOGY will provide solving the mining and metallurgical complex concentrating production problems: the organization of a stable flotation process and increase the metals recovery in concentrates.

We are always ready to answer any of your questions.

Perminov Igor
Perminov Igor
Заместитель генерального директора
Kajdalov Sergej
Kajdalov Sergej
Технический директор
Andrey Fedorov
Andrey Fedorov
Генеральный директор
Tesler Аleksandr
Tesler Аleksandr
Главный технолог